Monday, March 29, 2010

Welcome back, music!!

Finally... FINALLY... I've been in the studio again!!!
Just finished guitar and vocals on this one.
It's just a rough mix, which means it is far from being finished
and definitely not the recording that will appear on my album later.
So take it with a grain of salt, K?
Anyway... I'm back to writing and recording music - YAY!
Enjoy! :)

"Rumor has it" by Betti Gefecht (preview/rough mix)

Saturday, March 20, 2010

New Companion Fic Banners & a Recc

I didn't ask Artsie & Fanny this time - they are busy preparing another fic recc. I'm just thankful for the fanfic gods who made me read these two connected fics, due to a Button Guru Bartering.

The uh-mazing, young writer, Yellowglue, tells the same stunning story twice, from different POV's. Intense, emotional, hot, right on the nail - in a style that has no rival. She doesn't need to cover her characters with tatts or piercings to show they're dark, deep and dirty. Read it, feel it and meet Lumberjackward and Greyachella, or else you seriously miss out!

Here are the banners I made for her. Click on them to be taken to the written wonderment. Quick scoring below.

Banner for The Worst of Weather (BPOV / complete)

Banner for Rose like Thunder (EPOV / in progress)

Scoring for both:

How much Twilight is left?
Enough. That she didn't make it to the full score is meant as a compliment here. There are nice twists. And more angst. Hey Steph, need a lesson in intense writing? Check this out!
4 out of 5 Wettest Places in the Continental US

How hot is the plot?
Uhm... it works fine. Be prepared for some angst-ridden, fuckhawt lovemaking here. Again: pretty intense. Is it weird, that I got turned on by Edward getting drunk (yes drunk as in, really canned!) by just sniffing at sleeping Bella?? I guess so...
5 out of 5 Wet Panties

How about romance?
Sure... but if you want fluffy, stay away. These two aren't cute, they are fucking in love!!
2 out of 5 Wet Paper Tissues

More linkies:

Friday, March 12, 2010

Button Guru Updates

Update #1: A One-Shot
Made a banner for myself, for a change. What? Yes! Happens from time to time. It's for my Black Balloon Contest entry, my first one-shot/first angst/first canon. Making Edward's darkest period in New Moon yet a little darker.

Update #2: A Winner
Today I tweeted my historical 10.000th tweet. Gah!! Unbelievable! Anyway... I made it a Button Guru Giveaway: The first to retweet my 10.000th tweet won a free customized Button Guru artwork of choice. And the winner is.... Zoomage a.k.a. ZoomShinyVolvo. She will get a banner for her fanfic Apocolyptic.

Update #3: A Bartering
But Zoomie has to step in line, because first there's another barter job to do. If you haven't read the companion fics The Worst of Wheater (BPOV) and Rose like Thunder (EPOV) by YellowGlue yet, hells.... go read them!! They're awesome! And they'll both get banners. Once the bartering is complete, I'll show you the pretty pretty thing I got in exchange. :)


Want to barter with the Button Guru too?
Here are the RULES:
1. If you have something I might want, we can bargain.The only condition not negotiable is: It has to be something money can't buy. Which means, you won't get a button or banner for a Twilight merch, for instance. People have tried to barter with things that are only available in the US, but the Button Guru is a bitch when it comes to bartering.
2. Usually it would be something someone does, or a selfmade thing. If I don't know anything about you, I can not suggest anything myself. It depends on what you can do or have or... dunno. So if you want to barter, you would either have to come up with suggestions yourself, or tell me something about your talents, hobbies etc., so that I can challenge you.
3. The Button Guru never asks for a mission impossible! He just loves to challenge peoples' inspiriation. If someone isn't much of an artist but can maybe knit or bake - he might be happy with a pair of wrist-warmers or yummy coookies.
That's pretty much it. I love bartering, I love creative ideas and being surprised with things...

Friday, March 05, 2010

My best birthday ever!

 OMFG!! O___o
This is me, blowing kisses to my unbelievable, fanfuckingtastic, awesomesaucematic friends out there in bloggyland!!! My heart is overflowing with love, because they made me wake up to my best birthday ever!

going on 

I opened twitter like every morning, and was showered not only with the loveliest bday wishes  
but there were mysterious linkies included too... 


And when I clicked them... 


Birthday blogposts???
For me????


The Lemon Sisters included the sweetest Happy Birthday in their today's post, and Uhyesplease and Onepushyfox even created special twitter avis! Whoaaa!!! Check it out here: "A little sumpin-sumpin" I'm speechless...

And oh... my beloved German twiancé Mrs.V from Let's ride the Vanquish?? She created a once in a lifetime award as my bday prezzie, along the loveliest blogpost "Award for the best twiancé ever"!!
*wipes tears*

And then the girls over at Apples&Feathers??? Gah!! Susie and Aimee held an Oscar-worthy laudation in my honor which made me blush from head to toe!! "Happy birthday to our beloved twi-sister"

I dunno what to say. Maybe... (meek voice->) thanks...? There's a happy little lump in my throat right now. Whatever I did to deserve all this, I'm so glad I did it... though I'm still trying to figure it out. And as soon as I know it, sure as hell I will do it again!!!!


(above: 5 out of 5 wet paper tissues *sniffles*)