Monday, July 05, 2010

Seven Winning Story Banners

Here they are, fresh and still steaming...
the banners for the winners of the Obsession Contest.

Instead of just making standard award banners for everyone, I decided to create individual story banners, because I believe that outstanding achievements in a competition deserve a real prize. And because, well... it's me, Betti a.k.a. the Button Guru, so... you know me - it's the way I roll! :)

Congratulations, winners, and I hope you enjoy this little extra treat.
The banners embiggen if you click on them. And there's a story link provided with each banner. Go and read, folks, or you'll be missing out!

OMG OMG OMG!!!!!! Look at this - gah! *fistpump* Yeah!!!

You can still read all of the contest entries in the Obsession Contest C2.

Personal recommendation:
Especially one story that didn't make it into the open voting, is definitely a winner in my book, because it's well-written, courageous and heartbreakingly real, is Tora Tora Tora by erikasbuddy. Not for the faint of heart... but life isn't all sunshine, right? Read!!

Thanks, thanks, thanks...
to the organizers of this contest - Lambcullen, the amazing dihenydd, LaraCFF, Sweetp-1, Summer35 and Mrs.Robward - and thanks to all the talented writers who entered.
I truly enjoyed being part of it!!


Danny said...

Connngrats!!!!!! Judges Choice is so incredible awesome!

Love the Banners as usual they are just awesome!

uhyesplease said...

Congrats again! These are super sexy banners - you outdid yourself!

Also - another GO READ IT! about Tora Tora Tora - definitely will stick with you for a long, long time after you read it....