Wednesday, June 17, 2009

a swing-bounce-juicy mood...

...I'm in - felt like awarding this fidgeting thing to PLT
just because Anna's been nothing but really sweet
ever since we had our first Twilighty online encounter. 
Reason enough for me...

Go visit Peace. Love. TWILIGHT if you haven't yet.
I you have already - do it again. And again... ;-)


Peace. Love. Twilight! said...

GOSH! You just about made my life! That is the sweetest thing, and I thank you to high heavens!

P.S. Betti is way more amazingness than me! She has awesome music skills (I'm jealous) and clearly some sicknast Photoshop talent (see above?). FOLLOW HER.


Betti Gefecht said...

Haha... mwa back atcha! :-))